Catayoc Family Trust
Platte County Connections (PCC) is a nonprofit agency. One of its funding sources is the Catayoc Family Trust. The Platte County Connections Board of Directors has approved utilizing this Endowment Fund to assist with the emergent needs of Platte County citizens who have an intellectual or developmental disability. Funding is limited; the funds for a particular year may exhaust themselves and will not be replenished until the new fiscal year. Typically, PCC will only provide partial payment.
Request Requirements
All requests must have the financial documentation included. For example, if it is for a camp, the application for camp and funding costs must be included. The application must also include how the camp will meet the specific developmental or intellectual disability of the applicant. For some funding areas, we will need physician’s order, prescription, letter of medical necessity or evaluation/assessment and two quotes. If the item requested can be funded by an alternative funding source, PCC will make that determination when the application is being considered. PCC will pay the provider or reimburse with proper documentation. PCC will typically pay the provider directly. Reimbursement must be approved prior to services being rendered. Payment would be processed after receiving proper documentation.
This project is designed to be the payer of last resort. All requests must have documentation showing at least two other funding sources that were explored and denied.